第二篇 袭击 The Assault 第十章: 地底避难 | 饥饿游戏3: 嘲笑鸟
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The scream begins in my lower back and works its way up through my body only to jam in my throat. I am Avox mute, choking on my grief. Even if I could release the muscles in my neck, let the sound tear into space, would anyone notice it? The room's in an uproar. Questions and demands ring out as they try to decipher Peeta's words. "And you… in Thirteen… dead by morning!" Yet no one is asking about the messenger whose blood has been replaced by static.
A voice calls the others to attention. "Shut up!" Every pair of eyes falls on Haymitch. "It's not some big mystery! The boy's telling us we're about to be attacked. Here. In Thirteen."
"How would he have that information?"
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第二篇 袭击 The Assault 第十章: 地底避难