第二十六章: 一个叫欧维的男人和一个再也没人会修自行车的社会 A Man Called Ove and a Society Where No One Can Repair a Bicycle Any More | 一个叫欧维的男人
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Many people find it difficult living with someone who likes to be alone. It grates on those who can't handle it themselves. But Sonja didn't whine more than she had to. "I took you as you were," she used to say.
But Sonja was not so silly that she didn't understand that even men like Ove like to have someone to talk to now and then. It had been quite a while since he'd had that.
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第二十六章: 一个叫欧维的男人和一个再也没人会修自行车的社会 A Man Called Ove and a Society Where No One Can Repair a Bicycle Any More