第十二章: 苦日子 | 黑骏马(简化版)
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I was sold to a baker who Jerry knew, but the baker's bearing rein up. This made it difficult for me to pull a heavy cart, and I found the work very hard.
One day, after three or four months of this, I was pulling the cart, which was much heavier than usual, up a steep hill. I had to stop several times to rest, which didn't please Jakes.
"Move on, you lazy horse, or I'll make you!" he shouted, and he hit me with his whip.
After a few more metres, I had to stop again. The whip came down across my back once more and the pain was sharp. I was doing my best but the driver was still punishing me cruelly, which seemed very unfair.
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第十二章: 苦日子