第五章: 吃亏的是女人 | 德伯家的苔丝(简化版)
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Her story came to an end. She had not raised her voice: she had not cried. But things seemed to change as the story progressed. The fire looked as if it was laughing at her troubles. All the objects around her appeared not to care about her tragic history. And yet it was only a short time since he had been kissing her. Everything looked different now.
Clare stirred the fire. It was unnecessary, but he felt he had to do something. He had not really taken in the whole story yet. He stood up. Now as he began to understand the story in its full horror, his face was like an old man's. He made uncertain movements, because everything in his head was vague and uncertain. He could not make himself think clearly.
"Tess! Can I believe this? Are you mad perhaps? My wife, my Tess -- you aren't mad, are you?"
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第五章: 吃亏的是女人