第十八章: 在绿衣骑士家的遭遇及其他怪事 Of What Happened Don Quixote in the Castle or House of the Knight of the Green Gaban, Together with Other Matters out of the Common | 唐吉诃德(下卷)
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Don Quixote found Don Diego de Miranda's house built in village style, with his arms in rough stone over the street door; in the patio was the store-room, and at the entrance the cellar, with plenty of wine-jars standing round, which, coming from El Toboso, brought back to his memory his enchanted and transformed Dulcinea; and with a sigh, and not thinking of what he was saying, or in whose presence he was, he exclaimed -- O ye sweet treasures, to my sorrow found! Once sweet and welcome when 'twas heaven's good-will. O ye Tobosan jars, how ye bring back to my memory the sweet object of my bitter regrets!"
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第十八章: 在绿衣骑士家的遭遇及其他怪事 Of What Happened Don Quixote in the Castle or House of the Knight of the Green Gaban, Together with Other Matters out of the Common